Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A step closer to Totalitariansim

Dr Haneef had his visa cancelled. The law could not pin him down on anything. The judge said to the AFP that he would not stand trial unless he was charged. Instead they terminated his visa and then sent him off to Villawood. What will they do next under these Anti Terrorist Acts? Cancel our citizenship?

It is a very worrying day when the Government can just do whatever they please. Such is the nature of these anti terrorist Laws. Under the new laws, the police can enter whatever house they want and search it "for the security of the nation". This sort of action, on a superficial level, is acceptable however it robs us of our privacy, peace of mind and just simply adds to the aura of terrorism. Who should we be afraid of now?

When the terrorists strikes, panic settles in and the Government uses this opportunity to pass laws that will be approved given the current circumstances. These hasty actions often bear their ugly heads once the dust has settled. You might be peacefully sleeping one morning and suddenly be awoken by the sounds of police dogs and battering rams. They will break into your home, turn everything upside down and then leave with a simple apology. I am sure that today the Police will not storm into just anyone's home, but that day is not too far away. Where is this freedom that democracy brings?

Out of human weakness one craves power, and once obtained it transforms into an insatiable lust. This can now be seen by the Western conquests abroad. Their "boys" are fighting to "give those people democracy". It seems as if we have once again slipt into the ages where we mercilessly killed all those who did not accept the views of the Church. The question remains as to whether it is really a battle between the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq or a battle between beleivers and non beleivers of democracy.

Democracy now seems like a buttress root that slowly envelopes a giant tree eventually choking it off and standing in place of it. This ugly vine is like a cancer slowly spreading across the world and will one day dominate the planet unless something is done. But what can we do? We live in a democracy and yet we find that the very power and freedom that is given to us is slowly but surely being taken away.

1 comment:

Hattori Hanzo said...

Good on the Haneef legal team for not putting up the bail money. He remains in the Gold Coast 'watch house' that he's been in for the last few weeks.

The minute the bail money is paid, then he's off to Villawood.

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