The Winter Fog, Part I
Do you sometimes feel that something has left you even though you never had it? The complex boundaries between reality and imagination often leaves the distinguishing marks of awake and sleep state as blurry as a winter fog that envelopes the weary traveller who is looking for a place to stay. This fog wraps around your conscience fooling your logic into believing that reality is a dream and that a dream was reality. You awaken from slumber and then question whether the last few synapses were a memory or something less real. Sometimes you are thankful that it was just a dream. Other times you are grateful and content that it was a memory. The problems start when you wish that a dream is a memory.
Like the movie Denzel Washington movie, 'Deja Vu.'
A bit pie in the sky - some serious bending of the space-time continuum, but I still thought it was pretty good.
That's two mentions of Denzel so far in this blog. About time we had a Denzel Washington tag, maybe? Who wants to talk about 'Remember the Titans.'
thats why its part 1
i might add to it and see where it goes....perhaps it will not be so pie in the sky
Sorry mate. Wasn't that clear before. I meant the Denzel Washington movie was a bit pie in the sky - NOT your post.
I will admit to being an avid Denzel fan. Theres something about his righteousness and egalitarianism, his stubborn determination to succeed whether hes playing an investigative police officer, detective, or a cop, which appeals to the heart of those like me with little or no conviction. God bless your symmetrical facial features Mr. Washington.
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